Buddhist Council

Buddhist Council

BPSC has asked questions on Buddhist Council several times. The following article will give all the details on Buddhist Council held at various places, who organised them and who presided over the different Buddhist Council held at various parts of the Country. You will also get to know about the objectives on which these councils were conducted. After reading this post you will be able to solve majority questions that are asked on this topic in Examinations.

Buddhist Council: Important Facts

After the death of Buddha (around 483 BCE) mainly Four Councils were convened at different places under different rulers of India from time to time. The details are as follows:

Buddhist CouncilPlacePresided ByUnder the RulerYear
First Buddhist CouncilRajgir/ RajagrihMahakassapAjatshatru400 BC
Second Buddhist CouncilVaishaliSabakamiKalashok383 BC
Third Buddhist CouncilPataliputraMogaliputtissaAshoka250 BC
Fourth Buddhist CouncilKashmirVasumitra,
Deputy- Ashwaghosh
Kanishka72 AD
Fifth Buddhist CouncilMandalay,
Mindon1871 AD
Sixth Buddhist CouncilKaba Aye
Mahasi Sayadaw,
Bhadanta Visittsarabhivams
P.M. Unu of Myanmar1954 AD

First Four Buddhist Councils are generally asked in Exams. However, read all of the above for your better understanding.

Objectives or Purpose of Buddhist Councils

The Buddhist councils were held one by one after the death of Buddha. The main purpose of these councils was to compile Buddha’s Teachings and guide the followers of Buddhism along the path of Buddha, in right ways. Each Buddhist Council achieved some purposes, which is given below:

Buddhist CouncilObjective /Purpose
First Buddhist CouncilTo preserve Suttas and Vinayas of the Buddha.
Suttas are Buddha’s sayings and Vinayas are the rules to be followed.
Second Buddhist CouncilSplit of the sect in two groups Sthavirs and Mahasanghik on the issue
of adding or not adding more rules to Vinayas.
Third Buddhist CouncilTo Purify Buddhism. Also, there was a split between schools of thought
Sarvastivada and Vibhajjavada.
Fourth Buddhist CouncilTo resolve conflict between different schools of thought.
After this Council Hinyana and Mahayana were formed.
Mahavibhasa Sastra was compiled in this council.

FAQ on Buddhist Council

Where was the first Buddhist Council Held?

The first Buddhist Council was held in Rajagrih/ Rajgir/ Girviraj

Where was the Second Buddhist Council Held?

Second Buddhist Council was held in Vaishali.

Where was the Third Buddhist Council Held?

The Third Buddhist Council was held in Pataliputra.

Where was the Fourth Buddhist Council Held?

The Fourth Buddhist Council was Held in Kashmir.

Who was the President of the First Buddhist Council?

The President of the First Buddhist Council was Mahakasyap/ Mahakassap

Who Presided over the second Buddhist Council?

Sabakami presided over the second Buddhist Council.

Who Presided over the Third Buddhist Council?

Mogaliputtissa Presided over the Third Buddhist Council

Who Presided over the Fourth Buddhist Council?

Vasumitra Presided over the Fourth Buddhist Council.

Under whose patronage First Buddhist Council held?

Under King Ajatashatru’s patronage First Buddhist Council held.

Under whose patronage Second Buddhist Council held?

Under King Kalashok patronage Second Buddhist Council held.

Under whose patronage Third Buddhist Council Held?

Under King Ashoka’s patronage Third Buddhist Council Held.

Under whose patronage Fourth Buddhist Council Held?

Under King Kanishka’s patronage Fourth Buddhist Council Held.

When was the First Buddhist Council Held?

Around 400 B.C. After Buddha’s Death.

When was the Second Buddhist Council held?

Second Buddhist Council was held in 383 BC

When was the Third Buddhist Council Held?

Buddhist Council was Held in 250 BC

When was the Fourth Buddhist Council Held?

72 AD

At which Buddhist Council Hinyana and Mahayana were formed?

Fourth Buddhist Council

What was the objective of the First Buddhist Council?

To preserve Vinayas and Suttas of the Buddha.

Where was a split between Sarvastivada and Vibhajjavada occured?

Ans: Third Buddhist Council

Why the fourth Buddhist Council was convened at Kashmir in the reign of Kanishka?

To resolve a conflict between various schools of thoughts of Buddhism.

At which Council Suttas and Vinayas were compiled?

First Buddhist Council

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