Yaad Rakhne yogya Bihar ke kuch Mahatvapoorn Tathya

- Bihar Capital – Patna
- Bihar was made a State in the year 1912 as Bihar Odisha Province.
- Bihar and Odisha was carved out of Bengal province in 1912.
- Bihar and Odisha separated and a new State Bihar formed in the year 1936.
- So, first division of Bihar took place in the year 1936.
- Second division of Bihar was done when the state Jharkhand is created.
- Jharkhand was created on November 15, 2000.
- Bihar celebrates its state day on March 22.
- First official language of Bihar is Hindi.
- Second language of Bihar is Urdu.
- The language that is spoken by large number of people in Bihar is Maithili.
- Other famous languages spoken in Bihar: Bhojpuri, Angika, Magahi.
- High Court of the state is situated in the capital city, Patna. It was established on February 3, 1916.
- Bihar state Animal is Ox. Its scientific name is Bos Tauraus.
- Bihar State bird is Sparrow. Its scientific name is Passeridae.
- Sparrow Day is celebrated in Bihar on March 20.
- Bihar State Tree is declared to be Peepal.
- Bihar State Flower is declared as Marigold or Genda.
- Bihar word is taken from the word Vihar which means a place to reside. During the Buddhist era Bihar was a residing place or Vihara for many Buddhist Monks and seekers.
- Bihar is an Eastern State of India.
- It lies between 24 degree 20 minutes 10 seconds North Latitude to 27 degree 31 minutes and 15 seconds North Latitude.
- It also lies between 83 degree 19 minutes and 50 seconds East Longitude and 8 degree 17 minutes and 40 seconds East Longitude.
- From North to South it is 345 KMs in length.
- From East to West the state is 483 KMs wide.
- Bihar is a landlocked State which means it is bounded by land on all of its sides.
- North of Bihar lies Nepal, South of it is Jharkhand, East of the state lies West Bengal and West is Uttar Pradesh.
- Bihar has a total area of 94163 Square KMs.
- Urban Area is 1905.49 Square Kms and Rural Area comprises of 92257.51 square KMs.
- Bihar is the 13th Largest State in India in terms of Area.
- The Bihar State comprises of 2.86% of the total Area of the Country.
- Height above Sea Level of the state is 53 mm or 173 feet.
- Bihar Consists of 9 Divisions.
- The State comprises of 38 Districts.
- There are 101 Sub Divisions in the State.
- There are 8471 Gram Panchayats in the State.
- There are 45103 revenue villages in the State.
- There are 199 Towns in the State.
- There are 853 Police Stations in the State, with 40 Police Districts.
- There are 12 Municipal Corporations in the State.
- There are 49 Nagar Parishads in the State.
- There are 14 Major Cities in Bihar.
- Member of Parliament Seats for Lok Sabha from Bihar is 40.
- Member of Parliament Seats for Rajya Sabha from Bihar is 16.
- Seats in the Bihar State Assembly or Vidhan Sabha Seats is 243.
- Seats in Bihar Legislative Council or Vidhan Parishad Seats is 75.
- Scheduled Caste SC Seats reserved from Bihar in Lok Sabha is 6.
- Scheduled Caste SC Seats reserved from Bihar in the Bihar Legislative Assembly is 38
- .Scheduled Tribe ST Seats reserved from Bihar in the Bihar Legislative Assembly is 2.
- Total Population of the state as per census 2011 is 104,099,452.
- Majority of population of Bihar reside in Rural Areas.
- Urban Population of Bihar is 11.3% of the total Population.
- Rural Population of Bihar is 88.7% of the total Population of the State.
- Growth Rate of Population of Bihar in 10 years from 2001-2011 is 25.4%.
- Population Density of Bihar is 1106 persons per Square KM.
- Sex Ratio of the state is 918. It means there are 918 Females per 1000 Males.
- Overall Literacy rate of Bihar is 61.8%.
- Male Literacy Rate is 71.2%.
- Female Literacy Rate is 51.5%.
- Rural Literacy Rate is 59.78%.
- Urban Literacy Rate is 76.86%.
- Most Populous District of the State is Patna.
- Lowest Populous District is Sheikhpura.
- Decadal (10 Years) lowest population growth rate district is Gopalganj.
- Decadal (10 Years) Highest population growth rate district is Madhepura.
- District that has the highest population Density is Sheohar.
- District with the lowest Population Density is Kaimur.
- District that has the Highest Sex Ratio is Gopalganj.
- District with Lowest Sex Ratio is Munger.
- Most Literate District of the State is Rohtas.
- Least Literate District of the State is Purnia.
- First Chief Minister of Bihar is Shri Krishna Singh. His tenure was from 1946 to 1961.
- First Governor of Bihar is Jairam Das Daulatram.
- First Deputy Prime Minister of India is Jagjivan Ram from Bihar.
- First T.V. Relay Centre of Bihar is established in 1978 in Muzaffarpur.
- Bihar’s First ancient University Nalanda University was established in 5th Century by the effort of Gupta Ruler Kumargupta.
- First Bihari to receive Jnanpeeth Award is Ramdhari Singh Dinkar for Urvashi in 1972.
- Patna University was established in the year 1917.
- First Bhojpuri Movie is ‘He Ganga Mayya Tohe Piyari Chadhaibo’.
- First Open University of Bihar is Nalanda University.
- First Maithili Movie Name is ‘Kanyadaan’.
- First Hindi Movie Name is ‘Kal Hamara Hai’.
- First Poet from Bihar is regarded as Vidyapati.
- First Women CM of Bihar is Mrs Rabri Devi.
- First Dalit CM of Bihar is Bhola Paswan Shastri.
- First Muslim CM of Bihar is Abdul Gafoor.
- First Muslim Governor of Bihar is Dr. Zakir Hussain.
- First Hindi Daily or Hindi Newspaper is Sarvahitaishi (1882).
- First Hindi Weekly is Bihar Bandhu (1874).
- First English Daily Newspaper is Searchlight.
- First English Weekly Newspaper is ‘The Bihar Herald’ of 1875.
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