Nalanda Dairy Biharsharif

Nalanda Dairy became the first Dairy to get the CAS Mark. The Dairy is the first dairy to get the Mark in the country, even before Amul. It is mandatory for all the Dairy to get a CAS Mark as per the Government Norms. The Nalanda Dairy has got the CAS Mark because of the superior quality of the milk that it provides.

What is CAS Mark

CAS Mark is also known as Conformity Assessment Scheme Mark which is given by the Government of India. It is given to the Milk Products. For customers to have safe, healthy, and hygienic milk and milk products, quality and food safety are crucial factors. They are also important for the dairy industry’s ability to operate sustainably. In keeping this objective GOI has framed this mark. Initially, National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) was the certification authority for the Dairy Products. But now NDDB with BIS has come together to coin a more effective CAS Mark to unify Dairy Product Certification process.

CAS Mark Benefit to Nalanda Dairy

After the dairy has been certified by the CAS Mark it may have the following benefits:

  • Enhanced Consumer Confidence
  • Products of the dairy will become fit for export.
  • Foreign Countries will accept readily the required dairy product.
  • Development in the adjoining region.

At present the products of Nalanda Dairy is supplied in Bihar, Jharkhand, New Delhi, North Eastern States etc. The demand for its products are from almost all states of the country.

About the Bihar State Milk Cooperative Federation Limited

It is a cooperative of the Bihar Government under Ministry of Cooperation Government of Bihar established in 1983 which market dairy product in the state under the brand name ‘Sudha’. It procures, process and markets the Dairy products in the State. The Paarent rganisation is Comfed, Patna.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.) Which dairy in the country has got the CAS Mark?

Ans: Nalanda Dairy

Q.) What are the dairy plants that have received the CAS Mark before Nalanda Dairy, Bihar?

Ans: None

Q.) What is the Full Form of CAS Mark?

Ans: Conformity Assessment Scheme

Q.) When was Nalanda Dairy Opened?

Ans: 2013

Q.) When did Bihar State Milk Cooperative Federation Limited established?

Ans: 1983

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