BPSC 67th Prelims Result for the Examination that was held on September 30, 2022, which was a Re-Examination is out. You can check your results on the official website of BPSC (bpsc.bih.nic.in). 11607 candidates are selected in BPSC 67 Prelims and they will write BPSC 67 Mains.
This time the Cutoff for BPSC 67 PT is unexpectedly super High which is 113 (UR). The Cutoff of 113 in 150 questions is almost 75% which is high for any objective type examination. However, the BPSC 67 PT exam has no negative marking.
Congratulations to the candidates who have qualified. For those who have not made it to the cutoff, they don’t need to be disheartened and must remind themselves that BPSC 68 Prelims is not too far. They need to prepare keeping in mind the skyrocketing cutoff that BPSC now require. Nobody knows what the cutoff will be in the next exam. Many predictions that were doing rounds on several social media have failed to predict such a high cutoff this time. So, you must not pay attention to these predictions and start preparing for BPSC 68 with your full effort. BPSC 68 Prelims is scheduled to be held on February 12, 2023.
Bihar Important Facts for BPSC
BPSC 67 Prelims Re-Examination was held on September 30, 2022 after the 67th Prelims Examination that was held on May 8, 2022 was cancelled or rescheduled due to alleged paper leak.
Candidates who have appeared in the 67th Prelims Examination are waiting for their result. As per the official BPSC calendar, the Result Date of BPSC 67 Preliminary Examination was November 14, 2022. It might get delayed for some days (most probably within a week) due to some unforeseen circumstances.
Around fifty Percent of the candidates who filled the BPSC 67 form appeared for the BPSC 67th PT Re-Examination on September 30, 2022.
As per the official Calendar of BPSC the 67th BPSC Mains Examination is scheduled to be held on December 29, 2022. The result of this exam will be released by March 14, 2023. Interview schedule is given from March 29, 2022 and the final results will be published by May 28, 2023 as per the calendar. It is to be seen that after the delay in the BPSC 67 Prelims result for few days, whether BPSC will stick to its released calendar for further examinations.
Candidates are also waiting for the BPSC 68 Notification which is expected to be released this month. The commission has already released the dates for the BPSC 68 examinations in its official calendar as follows: BPSC 68 (PT) Peliminary Examination Date: February 12, 2023, BPSC 68 Mains Examination Date: May 12, 2023 and BPSC 68 Interview Date is August 11, 2023.
How to check BPSC 67 PT Result
How to check BPSC 67 Prelims Result:
- Go to the official Website of BPSC which is bpsc.bih.nic.in .
- Find the link mentioning BPSC 67 Preliminary Examination Result. This will be displayed after the publication of Result.
- Generally this link contains attached pdf.
- Download the pdf.
- Find your Result by Pressing Ctrl + F on your Keyboard.
- After pressing ctrl+F on your keyboard Enter your Roll No.
- If your Roll Number is Displayed in the pdf then you are selected.
- This can be done after the official result is declared.
All the Best.