Samrat Ashok Jayanti was celebrated in Bihar on April 9, 2022, Saturday.
On the eve of Samrat Ashok Jayanti Government of BIhar declared official Holiday.
Bhartiya Janata Party has celebrated it on Friday, however Janata Dal United celebrated it on Saturday.
The function was celebrated at the Bapu Sabhagaar in Gandhi Maidan, Patna in which the Deputy CM of Uttar Pradesh also attended.
It has been reported that in order to carry forward the inspiration of Emperor Ashoka, the Government of Bihar is constructing a grand Ashoka Bhawan in every civic body.
King Ashok, also known as ‘Ashoka the Great’ was an Indian king of the Maurya Dynasty. He ruled in the duration c. 265–238 bce (approx). His territory includes the whole Indian subcontinent from Afghanistan in the west to Bangladesh in the east. He ruled from his capital city ‘Patliputra’ in Magadh which in the present time is known as Patna.
The inspiration of the national emblem of India is derived from Ashokan Lion pillar at Sarnath.