In examinations like UPSC, SSC, BPSC, UPPSC, Railways RRB, Bihar SI, UP Daroga etc GK facts is a must read. A candidate who is well aware of the General Knowledge can score good marks in the respective examinations. In this post we have discussed General Science in one liner format. Hope you get benefited.
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GK General Science Facts One Liner
Chemical formula for water is H2O.
The gas usually filled in the electric bulb is Argon.
The purest form of natural water (distilled water) free from impurities is Spring water.
Abiotic environment includes all non-living components, such as air, cloud, dust, land, mountains, rivers, temperature, humidity, water, water vapour, sand, etc.
Washing soda is the common name for Sodium carbonate.
Monoculture is the practice of cutivation of single plant species after clearing vast tracks of forests.
Quartz crystals normally used in quartz clocks is chemically silicon dioxide.
The non-greenhouse gas is Sulphur Dioxide.
The transfer of heat in the atmosphere through the horizontal movement of the air is called advection.
Major greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, and chlorofluorocarbons.
Rating scales are tools appropriate for assessing social personal qualities of children engaged in learning EVS through group work.
Brass gets discoloured in air because of the presence of Hydrogen sulphide.
Bromine is a non metal that remains liquid at room temperature.
The skills required to read a map include the ability to understand relative position of places, distances and directions.
Magnesium is the central metal in Chlorophyll which is a naturally occurring chelate compound.
Soil Erosion is an environmental issue which is also known as Creeping Death.
World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5.
Graphite is used in Pencils.
Mercury forms an amalgam with other metals.
Bacteria are decomposers.
Inorganic substances connect biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem.
Bromine is a red liquid.
The hardest substance available on earth is Diamond.
The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognisable traces of the original plant material is Peat.
Green Climate Fund is made to help the countries most affected by climate change.
Tetraethyl lead is used as petrol additive.
Graphite is used as a lubricant.
An example of an endemic species is a species ‘A’ of plants that grow in a huge number but is found only in the ‘B’ part of India in the whole world.
Khejri trees are mainly found in hot and dry conditions.
The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing, is Helium.
The gases used in different types of welding are oxygen and acetylene.
CNG stands for Compressed Natural Gas.
The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called deliquescence.
The Forest Rights Act, 2006 in its title recognizes the rights of Scheduled Tribes.
Silicon Carbide is used in cutting very hard substances.
The average salinity of sea water is 3.5%.
In ecology, beta diversity is the ratio between regional and local species diversity. The term was introduced by R. H. Whittaker.
The Red Data Book lists endangered species of organisms. It is the document established by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) for documenting the rare and endangered species of plants, animals, fungi and also a few local species that exist within a state or country.
Decomposers are at the end of the food chain.
‘Malaria Day’ is celebrated on April 25.
When an iron nail gets rusted When an iron nail gets rusted, iron oxide (Fe2O3) also known as rust is formed as a result the nail gets heavier.
Galvanised iron sheets have a coating of Zinc (Zn).
The sky would look like black in the absence of Earth’s atmosphere.
10% of energy is transferred from plants to herbivores.
Among the various allotropes of carbon diamond is the hardest, graphite is the softest.
The group of metals Fe, Co, Ni may best called as Transition metals.
Nitrous oxide is also known as laughing gas.
Galileo developed the ‘Concept of Inertia’.
Albert Szent discovered Vitamin C.
Funk discovered Vitamins.
Wrought Iron is the purest form of Iron.
Heavy water is Deuterium Oxide.
The chemical (ethyl mercaptan) added to the otherwise odourless LPG cooking gas for imparting a detectable smell to the gas is a compound of Sulphur.
The element common to all acids is hydrogen.
Non stick cooking utensils are coated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) also known as Teflon.
Monazite is an ore of thorium.
Carbon, diamond and graphite are together called Allotropes.
The speed of Earth around the sun is 30 km/sec.
Hygrograph is used to measure the Humidity in air.
Splitting of light into its constituent colors is known as Dispersion.
‘Mechanical Clock’ made by Isaac Newton.
Potassium nitrate is used in Fertilizer.
Permanent hardness of water may be removed by the addition of sodium carbonate.
Soda water contains Carbon Dioxide.
The most important ore of aluminium is bauxite.
Sugar is most soluble in water.
Cotton fibers are made of Cellulose.
Eustachian tube connects the middle ear with the throat.
Hans Selye discovered the concept of ‘Energy of the Sun’.
Rate of growth of the plant is measured by Auxanometer.
One Horsepower (1 HP) is equivalent to 746 Watt.
Helium is discovered first in the chromospheres of the sun.
Francium is in liquid form at room temperature.
Sodium metal is kept under Kerosene as it is higly reactive.
In human body ‘Vitamin K’ is necessary for the formation of Prothrombin.
Copper and Tin are the ingredients of gun metal.
Radium is obtained from Pitchblende.
NAOH is the formula of Sodium Hydroxide.
Planet ‘Uranus’ was discovered by Hideki Yukawa.
Barometer was invented by F. Banting.
Actinides are the elements with atomic numbers from 89 to 103.
The above is a collection of important General Science topics for various competitive examinations. They are directly asked. The above collection is Part 2 of the GK awareness module. Keep visiting the website for more.
In which examination General Science GK is asked?
In almost all major examinations of India questions on General Science which a citizen of the country must be aware of, are asked. Some examinations in which Science GK are asked are UPSC, BPSC, UPPCS, HPSC, SSC, Railways Exam, Daroga SI exams etc.
How do I prepare for General Science?
You can prepare for general science by going thoroughly on science section of and you can read the above content.