In the Bihar state Civil Service Exam also known as Bihar Public Service Commission CCE Examination aspirants have to give many papers. One key paper among them in Mains is an optional subject. Previously, it plays an important part in the selection of the candidate as the marks obtained by the candidate in the Optional paper of the mains is added into the final score. But, from BPSC 68th the optional has been made just of qualifying nature. Now, a candidate has to score only a minimum score according to his category to qualify in this paper. In this post we have discussed the BPSC Public Administration Optional Syllabus.

BPSC Public Administration Optional Section- 1
Administrative Theory
I.Basic Prenises- Meaning scope and significance of Public Administration; Private and Public Administration; Role of Public Administrator in developed and developing societies: Econlogy of Administration- Social. Economic. Cultural, Political and legal; Evolution of public administration as a discipline; Public Administration as an art and a science; New Public Administration.
II. Theories of Organisation – Scientific Management (Taylor and his associates); Bureaucratic theory of organisation (Weber), Classical theory of organisations (Henri Fayol, Luther Gulick and Other); Human Relations Theory of Organisations (Elton Mayo and his Colleagues); Behavioural approach, Systems Approach; Organisational Effectiveness.
III. Principles of Organisation- Hierarchy, Unity of Command, Authority and Responsibility, Co- ordination Span of Control, Supervision, Centralisation and Decentralisation, Delegation.
IV. Administrative Behaviour- Decision making with Special Reference to the Contribution of Herbert Simon; Theories of Leadership; Communication morale; Motivation (Maslow and Herzberg).
V. Structure of Organisations- Chief Executive; Types of chief Executives and their functions; Line Staff and Auxiliary agencies; Departments; Corporation Companies. Boards and Commissions. Headquarters and field relationship.
VI. Personal Administration- Bureaucracy and Civil Services, position Classification; Recruitment: Training: Career Development; Performance Appraisal; Promotion; Pay and Service Conditions; Retirement Benefits; Discipline; Employer-Employee Relations. Integrity in Administration; Generalists versus specialists; Neutrality and Anonymity.
VII. Financial Administration- Concept of Budget; Preparation and Execution of the Budget; Performance, Budgeting; Legislative Control; Accounts and Audit.
VIII. Accountability and Control- The Concepts of Accountability and Control; Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control over Administration; Citizen and Administration
IX. Administrative Reforms- O & M; Work Study; Work Measurement Administrative Reforms; Processes and obstacles.
X. Administrative Law-Importance of Administrative Law; Delegated Legislation; Meaning. Types. Advantages, Limitations, Safeguards; Administrative Tribunals.
XI. Comparative and Development Administration- Meaning, Nature and Scope of Comparative Public Administration. Contribution of Freud. Riggs with particular reference to the prismatic sala Model. The Concept. Scope and Significance of Development Administration. Political Economic and socio-Cultural Context of Development Administration. The Concept of Administrative Development.
XII. Public Policy- Relevance of policy Making in Public Administration. The Processes of policy Formulation and Implementation.
BPSC Public Administration Optional Section- 2
Indian Administration
I. Evolution of Indian Administration- Kautilya; Mughal Period; British Period.
II. Environmental Setting- Constitution, Parliamentary Democracy, Federalism, Planning, Socialism.
III. Political Executive at the Union Level- President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, Cabinet Committees.
IV. Structure of Central Administration- Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, Ministries and Departments. Boards and Commissions, Field Organisation.
V. Centre State Relation- Legislative, Administrative, Planning and Financial.
VI. Public Services- All India Services, Central Services, State Services, Local Civil Services, Union and State Public Service Commissions. Training of Civil Services.
VII. Machinery for Planning – Plan Formulation at the National Level; National Development Council, Planning
Commission; Planning Machinery at the State and District Levels.
VIII. Public Undertaking – Forms management, Control and problems.
IX. Control of Public Expenditure- Parliamentary Control; Role of the Finance Ministry; Comptroller and
Auditor General.
X. Administration of Law and Order in Bihar- Role of Central and State Agencies in Maintenance of Law and
XI. State Administration with special reference to Bihar- Governor, Chief Minister; Council of Ministers;
Secretariat, Chief Secretary, Directorates.
XII. District Administration with special reference to Bihar– Role and Importance; District Collector; Land
Revenue, Law and order and developmental functions. District Rural Development Agency; Special Development Programmes.
XIII. Local Administration with special reference to Bihar- Panchayati Raj and Urban Local Government Features, Forms, Problems, Autonomy of Local Bodies.
XIV. Welfare Administration in Bihar- Administration for the Welfare of Weaker Sections With
particular Reference to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes; Programmes for the Welfare of Women and
XV. Issue Areas in Indian Administration- Relationship between Political and permanent Executives. Generalists and specialists in Administration. Integrity in Administration. People’s Participation in Administration. Redressal of Citizen’s Grievances. Lok Pal and Lok Ayukta, Administrative Reforms in India.
BPSC Public Administration Optional Syllabus FAQ
Is Public Administration a good optional for BPSC?
Yes, Public Administration is a good optional for the BPSC Mains optional because it is a relevant subject from administration perspective and has overlapping with the General Studies papers.
Is Public Administration in optional in BPSC?
Yes, out of 34 optional papers that BPSC offers to candidates, they can opt for one and they can definitely opt for Public Administration.
What is BPSC Public Administration Optional Syllabus?
The syllabus for the BPSC Public Administration Optional is given above.